Yesterday was Ty's last day of swimming lessons. As we were walking in we had quite an intesting conversation. I will share it with you;
Ty: "Good thing I took swimming lessons so that all my sins could get washed away."
Me: "Why does swimming lessons wash away all of your sins?"
Ty: "Because the water is warm, and it gets in my nose and ears, so it is just like getting baptized."
Me: (long pause...who the heck is his primary teacher?) "You're right Ty. It's a good thing for swimming lessons?)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Where's Ty?
Preface to this story: Ty is my good child. Don't get me wrong, they are all "good children". Ty is seriously an angel. He does whatever I tell him whenever I tell him to do it. He is seriously just a good boy. That being said, the last two days he has turned into a monster. Not oveying, back talking, fighting, and just being a normal rambunctious boy, really. It had really made me fear what the future is going to bring if he keeps this attitude up. Now, on to the story.
Today I dropped Ty off at swimming lessons. His teachers encourage parents to leave their children there because they feel they do better for some reason....The lessons are for 45 min. Today was his second day of the season.
I watched as he ran in, then I went on my merry little way to run a quick errand. 11:00 rolls around so I hurry back to pick him up. When I got there he wasn't waiting by the mailbox like he was yesterday. I wait a few more minutes assuming that his class has just run a little longer today. Then I realize that kids are now showing up for the next class. So I hopped out of my car and ran into the pool area to ask his teacher if she saw him get out of the pool and where he went. "Ty? Ty didn't come to lessons today," she said. And then I got that huge pit on my stomach, mothers, you know what I am talking about. I dropped him off here 45 mintues ago. One of the other mothers heard us talking, "Are you talking about Tyrus? I saw him walking that way (pointing the direction to our house) a few minutes ago." Panic struck. "Are serious?" I ran to my car as fast as I could and went from 0-60 in about five seconds. I drove all the way to the end of the road. No sign of him. I rounded the corner and far off in the distance I think I can see him walking on the side of the road. I speeded ahead, and sure enough, there he was. About two miles away from the pool. "Ty! What'g going on?" To my suprise, he was totally fine. Not crying, sot scared....."Why did you leave swimming?" "I just waited for you forever and you didn't come, so I am just walking home." "But Ty, I'm not late. Did you do your lesson?" " "Yea. It was just really short today." "Short? What do you mean?" "I just got in the pool, then we had free time, then she just said everyone out of the pool. Time for the next class." Then I put the pieces together. He showed up a little bit early, just in time to catch the end of the earlier class. He jumped in thinking that it was his class, and the teacher didn't even see him get in. (The kids are in and out diving, and going off the slide, etc.) It was an honest mistake. I took him back to tell the teachers that I had located my lost son. I was shaking like crazy, sick to death and totally on the verge of a break down. I tried to keep a hold of myself so I didn't totally freak Ty out. We figured out what had happened, and they invited him to stay for the class that was then going on. He stayed (and so did I, of course). Though it makes me sick to think of what could have happened to him, I am just so so grateful that he is ok.
The moral of this story is: Even if your kids are totally driving you crazy and you feel like you can't stand your mommy role for one more second, there will come a time that you realize that your kids are your life and there is no place that you'd rather be.
Today I dropped Ty off at swimming lessons. His teachers encourage parents to leave their children there because they feel they do better for some reason....The lessons are for 45 min. Today was his second day of the season.
I watched as he ran in, then I went on my merry little way to run a quick errand. 11:00 rolls around so I hurry back to pick him up. When I got there he wasn't waiting by the mailbox like he was yesterday. I wait a few more minutes assuming that his class has just run a little longer today. Then I realize that kids are now showing up for the next class. So I hopped out of my car and ran into the pool area to ask his teacher if she saw him get out of the pool and where he went. "Ty? Ty didn't come to lessons today," she said. And then I got that huge pit on my stomach, mothers, you know what I am talking about. I dropped him off here 45 mintues ago. One of the other mothers heard us talking, "Are you talking about Tyrus? I saw him walking that way (pointing the direction to our house) a few minutes ago." Panic struck. "Are serious?" I ran to my car as fast as I could and went from 0-60 in about five seconds. I drove all the way to the end of the road. No sign of him. I rounded the corner and far off in the distance I think I can see him walking on the side of the road. I speeded ahead, and sure enough, there he was. About two miles away from the pool. "Ty! What'g going on?" To my suprise, he was totally fine. Not crying, sot scared....."Why did you leave swimming?" "I just waited for you forever and you didn't come, so I am just walking home." "But Ty, I'm not late. Did you do your lesson?" " "Yea. It was just really short today." "Short? What do you mean?" "I just got in the pool, then we had free time, then she just said everyone out of the pool. Time for the next class." Then I put the pieces together. He showed up a little bit early, just in time to catch the end of the earlier class. He jumped in thinking that it was his class, and the teacher didn't even see him get in. (The kids are in and out diving, and going off the slide, etc.) It was an honest mistake. I took him back to tell the teachers that I had located my lost son. I was shaking like crazy, sick to death and totally on the verge of a break down. I tried to keep a hold of myself so I didn't totally freak Ty out. We figured out what had happened, and they invited him to stay for the class that was then going on. He stayed (and so did I, of course). Though it makes me sick to think of what could have happened to him, I am just so so grateful that he is ok.
The moral of this story is: Even if your kids are totally driving you crazy and you feel like you can't stand your mommy role for one more second, there will come a time that you realize that your kids are your life and there is no place that you'd rather be.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
the Walmart Fall-Apart
The other day I had my kids scheduled for a well child check. Ironically Bentlee got sick the night before, but luckily I could have her check up instead of her well visit. I have talked about how I hate trying to get out with three kids, and the Dr.'s office is no exception. I load up two fighting kids and one sick baby and drive to logan. The wait at the Dr's office was long, though it wasn't that bad. They have and indoor tree house for the kids to play in along with toy tables and videos,etc. So we wait for about 30 min, then they call us back. We do the normal weigh them, talk about how they eat and poop, then time for shots. Ty was out this time, he was all caught up to go to Kindergarten, But Kam and Bentlee were not so lucky. I had decided that I was going to put of Bentlees shots this time because she was so sick. (She gets croup/RSV practically every other month. I think that she is going to have asthma like Ty) But I put off the last set for this same reason so her Ped. talked me into getting them anyway. We go through shots, and lived. Then off to walmart to pick up vitamin prescriptions. By the time we reach Walmart it had been about 1.5-2 hours from arriving at the Dr's office. Needless to say, Kids were fighting, Baby was crying, and I was about to. We head over to the pharmacy counter and wait in line just to find out that the meds haven't been called in yet. Ok, thats fine. I do have to grab a few things. The kids will be ok for a few more minutes. 30 min later, I have the basics, back to the pharmacy line. Wait for another 15 to find out they still haven't called it in. Sigh! Ok , off to the toys to keep the kids busy. Up and down all the toy aisles, then back in line. By this time, Carrying Bentlee while she is crying and fevering, pushing Kamdynn in the baby seat of the cart, Crying and fighting with ty, and dragging Ty along side of the cart fighting with Kamdynn and whining to go home. We're all hungry, we're all tired, and why the heck is the AC not on in walmart in JULY! 20 min waiting in line, to find out, you guessed it..still no call. Holy crap, It is time to take matters into my own hands. I had all ready opened the Tylenol, some snacks, and a drink. I decide to call the peds office to remind them about the call. 1:03- answering machine says"...We're sorry ....lunch is from 1:00-2:00 Bla! bla! BLA!" OK, now I an fuming and about to give my children to the Customer Service Desk as returns. Forget about the medicine, lets get out of this hole. So me and fifty seven other people wait in one of the only two check stand lines open until I finally can get rung up and get out of here. Hilariously, by this time I have managed to round up some $250 of groceries. So thay have my groceries bagged, by total, and I hand them my check. Then come the three words....DU DU Dun! "Do you have ID?' Well no I don't. You always run my check as a debit. Why would you ask me for my ID? "Oh just because we got a new system that requires us to put in your DL number." WEll you're in luck. I just happen to have my DL # memorized. "Well I'm sorry mam, I can't do that. I have to see the picture. I can hold your groceries while you run to your car and grab it. " Do I have my ID in my car, of course not. "Can you run to the bank and grab some cash?" Well no I can not and will not. I like in Tremonton and I have been lugging around this circus for the last two hours waiting for my prescription. I will just go to the CS Desk. They will let me check out there. "Oh wait one moment mam, I can't let you do that. I will call a CSR over." Well hello CSR, (you know, those CS Reps that are mad that they have to work at walmart while trying to pay for school so they are one a Walmart power trip?) I'm sorry mam, I have to see the ID or if I take your check I can loose my job. So I ask for a manager. Well hello Mr. Manager. These fine employees of yours are saying that they can't take this check (it was a business check, mind you) with out my ID. I have no ID, I live in Tremonton, and I have no cash. "Well Gee mam, I guess there's nothing I can do." Seriously, I have my # memorized. I can tell it to you so you can type it in. "I can't do that. How do I know it;s really you? " (Ya, because like my ID still looks the same as I do 3 kids later) so, you know what I did? My eyes started to water. Then I started to cry...then I down right started to bawl just like my 3 kids as I unloaded my bagged groceries onto the walmart floor. Yes, they made me give them all back. Would not let me use my check. Can someone give a girl a break? Seriously. What a nightmare. I get out to the car, still bawling, and call to tell Josh at work (ya, really what is he going to do about it, but I still had to tell him). "Sorry, Diz. Don't know what to tell ya." Needless to say, I am not Anti-Walmarti. Wanna join me?
Busted a What?
I have come to realize that my kids hate the smell of Clorox. Every time I use it they complain about it. I was using it to sanatize the kitchen sink while the kids were upstairs playing. They came running down the stairs and into the kitchen and immediately I hear Ty say "WOW! Who busted a grumpy?" What the heck? Where did these kids come from?
Kamdynn's Prayer
Kamdynn said the prayer all by herself for lunch today. It went as follows;
"Heavenly Father...please bless that tomorrow I will grow up and turn into Cinderella...Amen.
"Heavenly Father...please bless that tomorrow I will grow up and turn into Cinderella...Amen.
Ty's lucky shirt
If any of you know my little boy Ty, you know that pajamas are his clothing of choice. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate comfort just as much as the next person. But when I say he likes Pj's I mean seriously has a liking for Pj's. Someimtes, sneeking them under his church clothes. Or, will turn down going to the store with me or playing with a friend because he knows that I will make him get dressed. Really, a bit O.C.D.ish, yes, I know. The other day we were getting ready to go somewhere. I gently broke the news to him that we were going to have to actually wear daytime clothing so that we could leave the house. I followed him to his room to see if there were any shirts that I could talk him into. I allready know the rules:
1. No collars
2. No long sleeves
3. No layering shirts
4. Long pants preferred
5. Plain T's preferred
Yes, it is very hard for me, being a mother who finds joy in the fashion of her children. So I start looking for something that fits all the criteria that won't cause too much of a fight. I see a brown T shirt that I remember he approves of. "look Ty, you can wear this!" "OK!" he says, "that is my lucky shirt!" And presto- dressed in a flash.
Later that day Ty had gone "#2" and was yelling for me to come assist in the wiping area. So I go in the bathroom, do my favorite mommy duty, then done.
"Only one wipe?" Ty asks curiously. "Yup. Only one wipe" I reasured. "One wipe and you're done?" "Yes, Ty. One wipe and totally done."
"See mom, I knew this was my lucky shirt."
1. No collars
2. No long sleeves
3. No layering shirts
4. Long pants preferred
5. Plain T's preferred
Yes, it is very hard for me, being a mother who finds joy in the fashion of her children. So I start looking for something that fits all the criteria that won't cause too much of a fight. I see a brown T shirt that I remember he approves of. "look Ty, you can wear this!" "OK!" he says, "that is my lucky shirt!" And presto- dressed in a flash.
Later that day Ty had gone "#2" and was yelling for me to come assist in the wiping area. So I go in the bathroom, do my favorite mommy duty, then done.
"Only one wipe?" Ty asks curiously. "Yup. Only one wipe" I reasured. "One wipe and you're done?" "Yes, Ty. One wipe and totally done."
"See mom, I knew this was my lucky shirt."
Brotherly Love
Ever since Kamdynn was born Ty really hasn't quite taken a liking to her. She, on the other hand, thinks Ty is the coolest person she knows. I have tried to use the passing of my big brother as a teaching instrument for my kids. One day I sat them down and had a long talk with them about how they need to love each other and not say things that they will one day regret...Like how I can't give my brother a hug and tell him I love him anymore. I tried to tell Ty that when Kamdynn says that he looks handsome or that she loves him he should say she looks pretty, or that he loves her too, because there might come a day when he wishes he could say it and not have a chance to. Yesterday as they were playing I overheard a conversation that reconfirmed that they were actually listening:
Kamdynn: "I love you Ty."
Ty: (long silent pause) Sigh..."I love you too Kamdynn....(another long silent pause)..."but you sure are irritating."
Kamdynn: "I love you Ty."
Ty: (long silent pause) Sigh..."I love you too Kamdynn....(another long silent pause)..."but you sure are irritating."
Monday, June 8, 2009
Dreams of a 6 year old-
Ty's birthday was on monday. Through all of the craziness that you experience with any life changing event, we didn't really have the chance to properly celebrate his birthday. So on friday we took Ty, and his friend Cael, to Chuck E. Cheese. We were all sitting at the table eating pizza. I was watching Ty and Cael as they ate and watched all the other kids playing games and laughing. Then, over all of the noise in the building, I overheard what I consider a very darling conversation...
CAEL: "Ty, when you grow up do you want to work at Chuck E. Cheese?"
Ty: "YEA!"
CAEL: "Me too."
Dream big little boys, dream big!
CAEL: "Ty, when you grow up do you want to work at Chuck E. Cheese?"
Ty: "YEA!"
CAEL: "Me too."
Dream big little boys, dream big!
The death of a brother

Our Son, brother, grandson, uncle, cousin and best friend Cory Scott Parry passed away Saturday, May 30, 2009. Cory was born January 30, 1980, in Brigham City, Utah, to Kim and Cindy (Scott) Parry. Cory led the path for his brothers and sisters as the oldest sibling and first born son. He had continual gratitude for all things, and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. His brilliant intellect allowed him to learn and accomplish most anything he desired. He was a teacher to many, including a primary and gospel doctrine teacher for the LDS Church. He was an Eagle Scout and an LDS missionary. His unwavering faith and testimony strengthened many. He was gifted in lifting the sorrow of the heavy hearted and made others feel important. Because of that, many considered him their friend. He was blessed with a keen intelligence and pure understanding of the eternal plan. Cory’s happiest moments were spent with his family and friends, especially his little brother and best bud Cameron. Cory, as you go forward and begin your heavenly mission, we will continue our journey here with faith, knowing that our family link will never be broken. Cory is survived by his parents, Kim and Cindy Parry, his siblings, Trisha (Josh), Shawn (Katie), Lacie and Cameron, Nephew Tyrus, and nieces Kamdynn and Bentlee, as well as his grandparents, Dave and Ruby Scott-Fielding, Ralph and Diane Hechtle- Brigham City, and Tom and Nancy Parry- Salt Lake City. He was preceded in death by his Uncle, Scott Parry, and cousins Skip and Joshua Scott.
Those of you that know my family and I are aware of the passing of my big brother Cory. I will say that this is the hardest thing that my family has ever been through, but it is also the most spiritual thing that I have ever experienced. I will forever be changed because of this. I feel an overwhelming feeling of peace when ever I think of that day. I know that this is Cory's time to do the Lord's work...he will be an awesome missionary! We are receiving extra strength right now as we try to sort through all of our emotions. The love of Family and Friends has been poured upon us and we will be forever grateful. Though it's so hard to know that we won't be able to physically see Cory, we are blessed to know that he is overjoyed to be in a better place waiting for us.
My kids have handled all of this pretty well. There is a lot of work to do when someone you love passes away. Because of this they had been pretty uprooted from the day of his death to the day of his funeral. The crisis worker at the hospital told me that 3 year olds don't really understand death or experience grief, while 6 year olds are just barely starting to understand that death isn't a temporary situation. My sweet little Ty had a hard time at the funeral. Saying goodbye to (the physical) uncle Cory was hard on his little mind. He cried during the whole funeral. I have always wanted to protect my kids from experiencing death because I looked at it as such a sad thing. And I don't see it that way anymore. Yes, it is the hardest thing in the world to experience grief for a loved one, but the spirit has spoken to my so strong I feel blessed to have experienced it. This is definately the toughest of tests, but my testimony has been strengthened ten fold. Through all of this I have found strength in listening to spiritual music. If you enjoy this too, check out music by Rachelle Call @, and music by Jondene Berts (I can't find a link to her music, but contact my if you are interested in a CD). Thank you all for your love and support. It means more to my than you will ever know.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Be nice to every"buggy".
I went to pick up Ty from my moms house 2 days ago. I pulled up to find him sitting on the curb and playing with some gravel in the gutter. I asked him what he was doing. Conversation goes as follows...
Me: HI Ty! What are you doing?
Ty: Oh just trying to trap this stupid beetle.
(I look closer to see him cover the beetle and the beetle immediately climbs out. Then he does it again and again and again...)
Me: C'mon buddy. Let's go find Grandma.
Ty: Just a minute.
Me: Why?
Ty: Cause I'm trying to bury this beetle.
(SO I sat and waited patiently. Getting annoyed I said...)
Me: Hurry Ty, get in.
(Ty hopped up with a face full of fury and stomps poor beetle to it's sad painful death. Ty stands up straigt and gave the dead beetle a complete stare down)
Ty: Who's the boss NOW beetle!?!!
Then he quickly ran around and hopped in the car. Well, I guess he took care of that.
Me: HI Ty! What are you doing?
Ty: Oh just trying to trap this stupid beetle.
(I look closer to see him cover the beetle and the beetle immediately climbs out. Then he does it again and again and again...)
Me: C'mon buddy. Let's go find Grandma.
Ty: Just a minute.
Me: Why?
Ty: Cause I'm trying to bury this beetle.
(SO I sat and waited patiently. Getting annoyed I said...)
Me: Hurry Ty, get in.
(Ty hopped up with a face full of fury and stomps poor beetle to it's sad painful death. Ty stands up straigt and gave the dead beetle a complete stare down)
Ty: Who's the boss NOW beetle!?!!
Then he quickly ran around and hopped in the car. Well, I guess he took care of that.
Monday, May 25, 2009
To splurge, or not to splurge...that is the question.
I admit it...I am a splurger. I enjoy spending ridiculous amounts of money on darling little impractical outfits that my children may or may not ever get a chance to wear. I can't help it. I have a sick addiction to shopping for my kids.
I own an upscale children's boutique, (Thus, going hand in hand with the fact that spending on my kids is my favorite hobby) so I get a first hand look at mommy splurging at it's finest. I always find it so interesting that a mother will drop hundreds of dollars on their children in a flash but hesitate and stew over a $6.00 shirt for themselves. 9 times out of 10, they end up putting that shirt back for the adorable little socks that match that $69.00 cardigan. What is it that naturally prioritizes us this way? I had a baby a couple of months ago. My body isn't what it used to be. Neither is my wardrobe. Usually my daily wear consists of pajama pants and my husbands T-shirts. And my sweet little baby monster princess is growing so rapidly that when I open my eyes after I blink I forget who she is. Her Michelin baby legs are bulging out of every inch of everything she owns. Naturally, we need clothes. I find myself scouring babygap, Matilda Jane, and every other designer baby cloths site that I can think of to find just the perfect baby get up for my sweet little angel. But when it comes to outfitting myself, I try to find some old hand-me-downs some poor preggers herself is trying to pawn off in trades for some stylin' maternity threads on Ebay. Come on Women! Are we ill?!! Who is going to see that hundred dollar onesie? Us? Well maybe. If it isn't covered by a drool bib and a swaddling blankie. And honestly, we all know that it's just going to get pooped and puked on all dang day long, and you know it's true.
Tonight I ran to family dollar for my weekly diaper run. I grabbed my basket, threw in a package of diapers and wipes, then meandered around to the clothing. I was trying to find some long sleeved onesies for my babies chubby little arms. As a walked around the rack I noticed a few cheaply made little outfits that bordered on actually being passable. I took a gander at the price tag...$6! That's right, six bucks for an entire outfit. I'm talkin a headband, a shirt and shorts! That's like two dollars for each piece! Now I contemplated and stewed over these some what dorky white trash baby clothes....then I did it. I just shut my eyes and threw them in my cart. Then you know what I did, I found some for my 3 year old. I loaded up my cart like a binger in a twinkie store. As I was driving home I couldn't help but be proud of what amazing bargains I had found. Seriously, 5 outfits for Kamdynn, 3 for Bentlee, and yes, a $6 shirt of my own. Diapers and wipes on top of that and it was only $67! Now you be honest with me ladies. You can't tell me that you would trade all of this stuff for one pair of babyGAP Skirt-alls, would you? I know it's tempting. I'm just as weak for a baby Biscotti dress as the rest of ya. I think I'll pass on the Biscotti and buy six more packs of diapers. That should cover us for at least the next month. SO here's to all you over-spendin, splurge addicted mothers: A challenge. A dare, if you will. Myself included. I dare you (along with myself) not to purchase another outfit for your child totaling more than $15, shoes included, for the rest of the season. Lets all be a little more rational about this. If we make it to September 1st with out breaking the rules, we are going on a girls shopping spree. And you know what were going to buy? Yup. Clothes for US. Don't you think we deserve it? Me too. I owe myself a little something for packing around this spare tire and set of saggy boobs for the last who knows how long. And in the mean time, I am going to post pics of my kids in their trash store bargain threads. And you have to share too. If you are in, send me pics of your $15 fashion show and I will post some of them (mail to Oh I all ready can't wait. Save on, splurgie mommies, SAVE ON!
I own an upscale children's boutique, (Thus, going hand in hand with the fact that spending on my kids is my favorite hobby) so I get a first hand look at mommy splurging at it's finest. I always find it so interesting that a mother will drop hundreds of dollars on their children in a flash but hesitate and stew over a $6.00 shirt for themselves. 9 times out of 10, they end up putting that shirt back for the adorable little socks that match that $69.00 cardigan. What is it that naturally prioritizes us this way? I had a baby a couple of months ago. My body isn't what it used to be. Neither is my wardrobe. Usually my daily wear consists of pajama pants and my husbands T-shirts. And my sweet little baby monster princess is growing so rapidly that when I open my eyes after I blink I forget who she is. Her Michelin baby legs are bulging out of every inch of everything she owns. Naturally, we need clothes. I find myself scouring babygap, Matilda Jane, and every other designer baby cloths site that I can think of to find just the perfect baby get up for my sweet little angel. But when it comes to outfitting myself, I try to find some old hand-me-downs some poor preggers herself is trying to pawn off in trades for some stylin' maternity threads on Ebay. Come on Women! Are we ill?!! Who is going to see that hundred dollar onesie? Us? Well maybe. If it isn't covered by a drool bib and a swaddling blankie. And honestly, we all know that it's just going to get pooped and puked on all dang day long, and you know it's true.
Tonight I ran to family dollar for my weekly diaper run. I grabbed my basket, threw in a package of diapers and wipes, then meandered around to the clothing. I was trying to find some long sleeved onesies for my babies chubby little arms. As a walked around the rack I noticed a few cheaply made little outfits that bordered on actually being passable. I took a gander at the price tag...$6! That's right, six bucks for an entire outfit. I'm talkin a headband, a shirt and shorts! That's like two dollars for each piece! Now I contemplated and stewed over these some what dorky white trash baby clothes....then I did it. I just shut my eyes and threw them in my cart. Then you know what I did, I found some for my 3 year old. I loaded up my cart like a binger in a twinkie store. As I was driving home I couldn't help but be proud of what amazing bargains I had found. Seriously, 5 outfits for Kamdynn, 3 for Bentlee, and yes, a $6 shirt of my own. Diapers and wipes on top of that and it was only $67! Now you be honest with me ladies. You can't tell me that you would trade all of this stuff for one pair of babyGAP Skirt-alls, would you? I know it's tempting. I'm just as weak for a baby Biscotti dress as the rest of ya. I think I'll pass on the Biscotti and buy six more packs of diapers. That should cover us for at least the next month. SO here's to all you over-spendin, splurge addicted mothers: A challenge. A dare, if you will. Myself included. I dare you (along with myself) not to purchase another outfit for your child totaling more than $15, shoes included, for the rest of the season. Lets all be a little more rational about this. If we make it to September 1st with out breaking the rules, we are going on a girls shopping spree. And you know what were going to buy? Yup. Clothes for US. Don't you think we deserve it? Me too. I owe myself a little something for packing around this spare tire and set of saggy boobs for the last who knows how long. And in the mean time, I am going to post pics of my kids in their trash store bargain threads. And you have to share too. If you are in, send me pics of your $15 fashion show and I will post some of them (mail to Oh I all ready can't wait. Save on, splurgie mommies, SAVE ON!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Ty's Prayer.
"Heaveny Father...please bless that Satan the Devil won't come into my room and throw a knife through me head. Amen."
There is nothing wrong with bribery for a little quiet time.
So a friend of mine (Abbi) was traveling with her kids. (I hear this can be pretty stressful, so I avoid all possible melt downs by limiting my trips out with the kids to preschool pick up and diaper runs. After all, I wouldn't want my little boy to EX me out. *See entry #2) In a desperate attempt to travel in peaceful silence she stopped to buy her little girl (Livie) a toy to keep her preoccupied during the drive. Being the Barbie lover that she is, she chose a Barbie head set. You know, the kind Justin Timberlake often sports during a concert? Well, on this particular head set "Barbie" talks to you through the ear piece and you talk back through the mouthpiece. Just to really put a damper on all future plans of peaceful quiet that her mother had so looked forward to, she would push the "talk" button over and over and over. Thus, all her poor mom heard was "lets dance! Lets Dance!" Well Abbi obviously had to put this to a quick end. Abbi sweetly told to Livie to "put the D?*! toy down or else I'm going to take it away!" type of thing.....when wouldn't you just know it, about 30 seconds later she hears that little Devil Barbie persuasively call out "LETS DANCE!" Little Livie just about jumped out of her three year old skin as she hurried to rectify the situation by quickly leaning down and whispering in the mouth piece "I can't right mom won't let me!" And this my friend, is a prime example of bribery at it's finest.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Did you know that...
Did you know that a kid can get strep on their Butt? Oh, no reason. I was just asking.
Is it wrong that...
Sometimes when my baby spits up I hurry and put her binkie in her mouth so she thinks that she is eating again.
Did you know....
SO my cute cousin was teaching a group of 4 year olds in church. She was pregnant at the time, expecting her first baby. In attempt to divert the attention of the 4 year old little girl sitting next to her, she leans down and says "Did you know I'm going to have a baby?" The little girls eyes widened immediately and she said back "DID YOU KNOW THAT'S GOING TO COME OUT YOUR PRIVATES?" Wow...can't get anything past kids these days.
A 5 year old's view of marriage-
I picked up my 5 year old son today from school. I checked his backpack for relevant information for the last week of school. I discovered an invite for a water party.
Me: Oh look Ty! Braxton is having a water party.
Ty: Do you know where he lives?
Me: Yes. He lives in Montee and Aubree's old house. (Montee and Aubree are his cousins who recently moved to Idaho)
Ty: Why do they keep getting new houses?
Me: (Steering aside from the fact that this has happened on more that one occasion to them) Because their mommy and daddy got divorced. Do you know what that means?
Ty: No.
Me: It means that they decided that they didn't want to be married anymore. But that will never happen to mommy and daddy because they got married in the temple, and that means that we will be married for Eternity. Do you know what Eternity means?
Ty: Yes. That means forever and you will always be together and never break up.
Me: Right.
Ty: Ya, and I'm never getting married in that place. I'm getting married somewhere else.
Me: WHY?
Ty: Because if my wife ever starts stressing and being ornery I will just EX her out.
Well said young son, well said.
Me: Oh look Ty! Braxton is having a water party.
Ty: Do you know where he lives?
Me: Yes. He lives in Montee and Aubree's old house. (Montee and Aubree are his cousins who recently moved to Idaho)
Ty: Why do they keep getting new houses?
Me: (Steering aside from the fact that this has happened on more that one occasion to them) Because their mommy and daddy got divorced. Do you know what that means?
Ty: No.
Me: It means that they decided that they didn't want to be married anymore. But that will never happen to mommy and daddy because they got married in the temple, and that means that we will be married for Eternity. Do you know what Eternity means?
Ty: Yes. That means forever and you will always be together and never break up.
Me: Right.
Ty: Ya, and I'm never getting married in that place. I'm getting married somewhere else.
Me: WHY?
Ty: Because if my wife ever starts stressing and being ornery I will just EX her out.
Well said young son, well said.
Motherhood as we know it...
This blog is dedicated to all those mothers who experience life everyday, just as I do, through the eyes of a child. How lucky we are to enjoy such an innocent view, for mothers are the only people who can find joy cleaning up vomit, wiping poopy butts, kissing slobbery lips, wiping sad sad tears, picking up endless messes, waking up hourly to let some creature suck on a part of your body for satisfaction till you think that you might bleed to death, pretending to be the prince even though you are a girl too, buying an endless supply of band aids because they are a magic plastic strip that somehow takes the hurt away, sleeping on the floor because your little girl is afraid that her blessing dress is coming to life, watching a new ninja move every thirty seconds while trying to answer the phone, make dinner, load the dishwasher, switch the laundry, disciplining the kids, help the husband find something that is right in front his face, trying to block out the fact that the baby is screaming in the background, finding your way through an obstacle of toys scattered on the kitchen floor while trying to function through sleep deprivation just to simply satisfy the needs of a family. Now tell me again....I chose this? Yes, and I wouldn't have it any other way. My hopes are that you will come across this blog one day when you are so stressed out and over worked that you think that you cannot function for one more second being a miniature persons saving grace and all you want to do is go to bed and sleep for 16 days straight. Then you read the words that hit so close to home that you can't help but smile when you smell the dried spit up on the shoulder of your pajamas.
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