Friday, May 22, 2009

A 5 year old's view of marriage-

I picked up my 5 year old son today from school. I checked his backpack for relevant information for the last week of school. I discovered an invite for a water party.
Me: Oh look Ty! Braxton is having a water party.
Ty: Do you know where he lives?
Me: Yes. He lives in Montee and Aubree's old house. (Montee and Aubree are his cousins who recently moved to Idaho)
Ty: Why do they keep getting new houses?
Me: (Steering aside from the fact that this has happened on more that one occasion to them) Because their mommy and daddy got divorced. Do you know what that means?
Ty: No.
Me: It means that they decided that they didn't want to be married anymore. But that will never happen to mommy and daddy because they got married in the temple, and that means that we will be married for Eternity. Do you know what Eternity means?
Ty: Yes. That means forever and you will always be together and never break up.
Me: Right.
Ty: Ya, and I'm never getting married in that place. I'm getting married somewhere else.
Me: WHY?
Ty: Because if my wife ever starts stressing and being ornery I will just EX her out.
Well said young son, well said.

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