Friday, May 22, 2009

Motherhood as we know it...

This blog is dedicated to all those mothers who experience life everyday, just as I do, through the eyes of a child. How lucky we are to enjoy such an innocent view, for mothers are the only people who can find joy cleaning up vomit, wiping poopy butts, kissing slobbery lips, wiping sad sad tears, picking up endless messes, waking up hourly to let some creature suck on a part of your body for satisfaction till you think that you might bleed to death, pretending to be the prince even though you are a girl too, buying an endless supply of band aids because they are a magic plastic strip that somehow takes the hurt away, sleeping on the floor because your little girl is afraid that her blessing dress is coming to life, watching a new ninja move every thirty seconds while trying to answer the phone, make dinner, load the dishwasher, switch the laundry, disciplining the kids, help the husband find something that is right in front his face, trying to block out the fact that the baby is screaming in the background, finding your way through an obstacle of toys scattered on the kitchen floor while trying to function through sleep deprivation just to simply satisfy the needs of a family. Now tell me again....I chose this? Yes, and I wouldn't have it any other way. My hopes are that you will come across this blog one day when you are so stressed out and over worked that you think that you cannot function for one more second being a miniature persons saving grace and all you want to do is go to bed and sleep for 16 days straight. Then you read the words that hit so close to home that you can't help but smile when you smell the dried spit up on the shoulder of your pajamas.

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